
If you dream about endless, flat- sandy beaches, but also pebbly, little and steep, soft rocks dyed yellow and grey ochre and sometimes even black lava.

If you dream about a country where spring and summer reign during the whole year, where mountains and not only gardens are painted with flowers, a country with a high coastline, illuminated by the sun, with the stately monasteries of the Normans, that are amid the bluish green of the olive yards, with the dome of the Saracens above the cities brightened by the moon, with the peristalses of the Greek temples and roman theatres dozing in a desert valley or being reflected from the top on the crystalline water of the sea; If this is your dream, it will come true in Sicily.

There’s always something to discover in Sicily: a garden, a flavour, a colour, a smell, a landscape, a lake with hundreds of white storks migrating to fix in your memory and take it away inside yourself. Here you can discover an incomparable melting-pot of history, customs, flavours and smells. “Italy doesn’t create a picture of the Soul without Sicily; the key to understand everything – wrote Goethe- is just here”. But be aware you would not ever been able to tear completely aside the veil of mysterious complexity that envelops Sicily and its people!