Don Domenico Amari

How comforting is to lay in the shadow of centuries-old trees, while herons,wild ducks, and storks circle above you

To hear about the noise of olives falling on webs during the harvest days; how welcoming it makes you to stroll every day on grounds that have been walked by the most different peoples for millenniums, as "Sicilians have always been conquered, now it's our time to conquer", Amari lights up.

His conquest strategy starts from the olives the Amari Cusa family has harvestsed for six generations, as Don Domenico Amari started in 1795. The old Villa Sicilia's oil mill is one among the many temples to Sicilian culture erected by the progenitor and continued with unchanged passion and more strong dedication again by Don Domenico Amari Emerico's father.

In 2005 a five-years-long refurbishment ended, now the antique dwelling is atypically charming, with a great rural appeal. The rooms' names talk about millenary epic deeds: Cartaghe, Lilibeo, Megara Hibleya, Mozia, Segesta, Siracusa. There is an antique oil tank under a narrow vaulted roof, old time entries built to roll barrels in, Caltagirone's china with typical symbols as the omen to fertility pomegranate. And as a matter of facts Nature is lush in this place, with centuries-old olive trees, vineyards, white and red mulberry- trees.

At this point the memory of the history appears to be decisives for the individuals it represents its soul, reproduces its origin, identify its paths, reveals its itineraries: if you manage to recognize and to reappropriate yours own roots than you perceive your own recollection and above all you are at the end seizing your own essence. All trees are beautiful and roots strong and deep as they read the Heritage and the History of both the House of Savoy-Carignan and the House of Habsburg-Lorraine.

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